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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

ARTING About...? Five Formative Theatre Experiences (Bitten By the Bug!)

by Brian Bozanich, MFA

Five Formative Theatre Experiences

I have spent the last few weeks discussing my own work. I wanted to share the moments which spoke to me as an audience member, honor the craft of others, and explain how it shaped my work.

Les Miserables

You never forget your first.  In July, 1987 I saw Les Miserables in Los Angeles. It was the first professional musical I had ever seen. I knew the complete soundtrack before attending, but it did nothing to lessen the impact of the piece. There were two specific moments:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

ARTING About...? The 4 Ways to Advocate for Theatre Education


The 4 Ways to Advocate for Theatre Education

Over the last twenty-five years I participated in many discussions about drama education, some of them were, shall we say, highly animated. In an atmosphere of common core, standardized tests, and authentic assessment, we are often asked to justify our existence as part of the curriculum and school community.