by Robin Scott Peters
Maximizing Your Time -- You got to give some to get some!
I need to find a way to polish my skills. I want to maximize the potential of the programs I use in my day to day business. I need something that respects the time I am giving to it; because time is money and time is precious. I look for ways to pinpoint the information I need. Not spend endless minutes --which feel like hours when you have a dead line and you are busy trying to solve a problem, or figure out advanced keystrokes to apply serious professional quality to your work product. I demand quality instruction, depth of examination, variety of instructors--certified professionals and a way to certify that my investment of time is of significance.
I thought computers were suppose to save us time...?
Computers are a fact of our existence. I was lucky to live in a time when there were no cell phones, computers, etc. We had mimeograph. We had dial phones. We had typewriters. Today if you are alive and participating in the world you have no choice but to interact with the brutes, the time suckers of all time suckers--The Computer Program. My love hate relationship, like yours, is "The Learning Curve." The killer of all motivation to be entrepreneurial or innovative or just finally jump on the computer bandwagon (never too late for that folks).
Okay, hold your hat, I am going to blow you away. I bet you fall into one of these categories. Either, I have computer programs on my laptop/desktop and I have no idea what they do. Where do I begin? How do I fit in all this learning, it's like going back to school full time. Or, I have computer programs on my laptop/desktop and I know a few of them pretty well and use them regularly. But, I know that the program is capable of doing so much more, if I could figure it out. I just don't have the time. Then there are the few who are "spiffy" at running their programs and consider themselves the "cat's meow" and they just want to be guru's over their programs and get even more awesome. But, you feel like you are maxing out your time already. I am going to bet, I am like Dove Soap 99.7% right that you fit one of those categories. Okay. Okay, I am here to help YOU. So, here it comes....
Time Management. You already know part of the answer.
You can't stop time.
I know, I know I am a genius and you never knew that fact. So stop reading now because nothing else after has any real meaning to our topic...NOT.
I know, I know I am a genius and you never knew that fact. So stop reading now because nothing else after has any real meaning to our topic...NOT.
What, I can't get around the Learning Curve?
Another big easy answer here. No, you can't. Cliff Notes just doesn't cut it when you are in the world trying to compete. You have to know the proper programs, know them well--that means at an advanced level; and you have to keep abreast of the changes because they come fast and furious and definitely cause problems if you aren't on the right side of progress. In other words, don't get behind, it makes it so much more difficult. Sorry, just saying it like it is. So, now that you got that, how can you minimize your efforts and maximize your results. Answer: Build a personal relationship with Lynda. I will share with you how I am involved with
So what does have for me?
As you know, dear reader, I am a "Social Media Consultant." I write, shoot, edit, build websites, etc... There are a myriad of programs I access as a "Generalist." But there is so much more. There are hundreds and hundreds of subject topics and each topic has multiple video instructors delivering professional online instruction from beginner to advanced training. You can find topics ranging from the nuts and bolts of business management, animation, architecture, computer skills, database developers, ecommerce, online marketing, SEO and the list goes on. So, you fully understand what I am conveying, states they have over 2011 topics with over 99,000 individual titles to choose from. If you can't find what you need to know in Lynda.Com, not sure where to send you.
Two years ago I stumbled upon during a Google search for video training on my new Canon EOS T2i 550D -- I love this camera, by the way. I searched YouTube and other such sites. The results were mixed in the quality of instruction and presentation. Also, knowing the substantive information about the instructor's credentials was a bit of a mystery. But the information was free. Free is good. But, you get what you pay for right? YES, RIGHT. I need top notch professional training at my fingertips. That my friends will cost. But it doesn't have to drain the budget. Lynda has levels of participation. The base cost is around $25.00 a month. That's the plan I am currently on. But, depending on your skill level and knowledge you can purchase plans that come with lesson plans and full transcripts. This is a definite win if you are brand new to a particular subject matter because you don't have to TAKE NOTES. The time savings of having a defined outline available to study or access is invaluable. And this whole article is about saving time, increasing productivity, creativity, and advancing your career in whatever direction you have planned.
Online Video Training Program Game Plan...Hut, Hut, HIKE!
So, we are where the "Rubber Meets the Road" time. Tying all the above information and entertainment too (hopefully) so you, my dear reader can put to work for you. I want to run down how I use Even though I invest valuable time in the training, the advanced knowledge and skills I garner expedite the work I do outside of my continuing education, reaping quality results using the scheduled time to its maximum potential.
I first go through the Table of Contents. An exhaustive list of all the major topics offers. Once in the topic, I choose subject matter important to the tasks I perform. I read the synopsis and then add the training video to my personal course list. I recommend just adding what looks interesting and worry about the fine tuning later as I will discuss. My current "playlist" as calls it, is at 34 different video training classes. The training videos total lengths range from 1.5 hours to over 13 hours per video course. Don't let that scare you. I will explain. Okay, so you have added the videos to your playlist. Now when you open up the link you are taken to a table of contents listing each chapter in the video training and the subject matter covered in each chapter. At the bottom of the page will be a listing of other recommended online videos similar to the video you are currently viewing.
After you go through and choose your videos, just pick the training program you want to start. I like to watch the training video in chapter order in succession. I don't take notes. I just watch and follow. I take mental notes on items of particular interest. But, again, I don't write anything down. After viewing the full training. I go back to specific chapters and watch the video again. I then take copious notes. What is FABULOUS about the video training is that each individual video runs approximately 2 to 8 minutes long. On average about 5 minutes. Now I want you to realize how powerful a tool this is. The ability to solve a problem, learn a new technique, advanced the quality of your work product and gain professional standing and advantage in just 5 minutes of investment, is that not worth your time to investigate?
As I take notes, I usually have my program open so I can work on the project and apply the instruction directly. If I have a problem I can review the video clip again. If that isn't clear, then I can go to another similar training video, review the chapters and the subheadings, choose my topic and find the answer from another instructor.
I jump from Adobe Premier, Photoshop, Muse, Illustrator, Bridge, Dreamweaver, Excel, Publisher and a list of other programs. Some I use daily. Some I use on a per-project need and a lapse in time my occur. Death knell to anyone learning something new, inactivity of interaction with the program. allows you to pinpoint your weakness and strengthen it. Literally in a matter of minutes. Again, all you in the business world. What is it worth to you to be able to solve problems in minutes, not hours...or even days based on a difficult Learning Curve?
At times I will have three different training videos open, have Muse, Photoshop, Excel and Dreamweaver open as I am trying to use a new advanced effect across multiple platforms. I easily maneuver from tab and window to tab and window, get the info I NEED and get the job done fast.
So, we are where the "Rubber Meets the Road" time. Tying all the above information and entertainment too (hopefully) so you, my dear reader can put to work for you. I want to run down how I use Even though I invest valuable time in the training, the advanced knowledge and skills I garner expedite the work I do outside of my continuing education, reaping quality results using the scheduled time to its maximum potential.
I first go through the Table of Contents. An exhaustive list of all the major topics offers. Once in the topic, I choose subject matter important to the tasks I perform. I read the synopsis and then add the training video to my personal course list. I recommend just adding what looks interesting and worry about the fine tuning later as I will discuss. My current "playlist" as calls it, is at 34 different video training classes. The training videos total lengths range from 1.5 hours to over 13 hours per video course. Don't let that scare you. I will explain. Okay, so you have added the videos to your playlist. Now when you open up the link you are taken to a table of contents listing each chapter in the video training and the subject matter covered in each chapter. At the bottom of the page will be a listing of other recommended online videos similar to the video you are currently viewing.
After you go through and choose your videos, just pick the training program you want to start. I like to watch the training video in chapter order in succession. I don't take notes. I just watch and follow. I take mental notes on items of particular interest. But, again, I don't write anything down. After viewing the full training. I go back to specific chapters and watch the video again. I then take copious notes. What is FABULOUS about the video training is that each individual video runs approximately 2 to 8 minutes long. On average about 5 minutes. Now I want you to realize how powerful a tool this is. The ability to solve a problem, learn a new technique, advanced the quality of your work product and gain professional standing and advantage in just 5 minutes of investment, is that not worth your time to investigate?
As I take notes, I usually have my program open so I can work on the project and apply the instruction directly. If I have a problem I can review the video clip again. If that isn't clear, then I can go to another similar training video, review the chapters and the subheadings, choose my topic and find the answer from another instructor.
I jump from Adobe Premier, Photoshop, Muse, Illustrator, Bridge, Dreamweaver, Excel, Publisher and a list of other programs. Some I use daily. Some I use on a per-project need and a lapse in time my occur. Death knell to anyone learning something new, inactivity of interaction with the program. allows you to pinpoint your weakness and strengthen it. Literally in a matter of minutes. Again, all you in the business world. What is it worth to you to be able to solve problems in minutes, not hours...or even days based on a difficult Learning Curve?
At times I will have three different training videos open, have Muse, Photoshop, Excel and Dreamweaver open as I am trying to use a new advanced effect across multiple platforms. I easily maneuver from tab and window to tab and window, get the info I NEED and get the job done fast.
Post-Game Wrap
There is something for everyone on As I was doing my investingation for this article I asked different business professionals I knew if they were aware of I found many unaware. But, I was not surprised when I discovered a top level manager of a state branch of government and an administrator for an elected high-ranking political official BOTH use regularly in their business activities.
Make yourself rise above the rest with such an easy and inexpensive investment. I urge you to take a look at and jump ahead of the rest of your competition.
Make yourself rise above the rest with such an easy and inexpensive investment. I urge you to take a look at and jump ahead of the rest of your competition.
DISCLOSURE: I do not have any affiliation with
Please visit: Twitter: @FilmRobin for up-to-date info on where I am travelling for ART. LinkedIn: for complete resume & work history. and look for Dr. Robin Scott Peters Ebooks now available. YouTube: for all my video work.
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