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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Journey with Me and My Canon 550D: Regeneration and Transformation for Dreamers

Pinball Mind ring, clack and flash flappers flapping don't let that bouncing idea slip between and the sound of "thanks for playing" greet you. 

I have an open road ahead.  Unfortunately there comes baggage.  I thought that when you hit a crossroad in you life, (insert blues music here) when you take 360 and point your compass, there, or there or right there, that we could somehow have the baggage lost in life's terminal.  Right?

Have you ever dreamed of running away?  From your life as you know it?  I mean, there you are across the table from your partner and you think to yourself...poof?  It's not that you don't love them.  Everyone has had that moment when you think about what it would be like to take off the skin of your previous existence and then have the opportunity to put on another--Edgar-like (think Men in Black the first movie).

Okay, maybe I am the only one who has thought that...right?  I never did it.  I actually love my life.  It is crazy.  It has been wonderfully exhilarating--I have reach great successes and have had great loss.  The greatest of which was my 11 year old daughter's sudden and unexpected death, on New Years Eve 1999.

So, if you have been following the blog you know that in two days I will bare another grand loss.  I have decided to go down with the ship.  I have decide to ride the top of the bow and be pulled in by the swirled current.  My Canon 550d and I will report from the scene as The Community Bank auctions three generations of family work and effort.

So I stand in the midst of a crumbled dream looking to, of course, dream some more.  I have to say that my whole artistic being has been stimulated by the demise of this family company.  I laugh out loud at times during the day because of the oddity of what is to occur. 

I stand in the destruction and yet I am excited.  Strange.  I am excited to see what God brings--Never gives us more than we can bear.  So many paths?  Choice: the amorphous power lurking.  I know one thing, my Canon 550d is coming...we are going spelunking into the depths of life. Gonna find a place to bury all that baggage and leave it where it needs to be.  Gonna document the whole darn process.  Then a hard right to CHOICE-Landia and DSLR the heck out of where we head from here...Go West Young Man--I am hearing-- Ping, ping, clang and flash, flippers, flying flapping at the idea crashing about.  Keep it moving.  Don't let it pass.  Gotta ring up the points, hit the double value and cash in.

Come join me in my journey.

Please visit and look for Dr. Robin Scott Peters Ebooks now available.

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