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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Upgrading--Me and My Canon 550D: Regeneration and Transformation for Dreamers

Oh My!  It's been days since I have plied my craft and tinkled with thoughts here in the blogging world. 

I have been upgrading.  Yes, computers.  Well my life too, as you know.

I edited the two interviews I told you about last week.  Christie Andresen and Bryan Randa, artists in stain and blown glass, were both fascinating and completely different in their energies and artistic approach.  I was only planning on producing a 7 minute segment on each.  But both artists were so open and willing to discuss their art, process and struggles doing business the amount of great "film" left on the cutting room floor (my kitchen, or living room, or local coffee shop, wherever I have the muse to edit) was just too significant.  So I decided to put together half-hour shows.  Well this takes a bit more time then I had initially determined for the 7 minute pieces.  Normally it wouldn't have taken much more time.  Especially because the interesting conversation.  But, I, your humble man behind the blog, made a critical error.  Dare I tell you I made a technical snafu?  I am going to tell you only because, as part of my Regeneration and Transformation for Dreamers, and our travel with Me and My Canon 550D AND because we are kicking off the "ARTing About..." web cast series--I must confess so YOU, my dear friends, to keep you from making the same mistake when you get your Canon 550D.

Okay, so here it is.  The Canon 550D is a HD camera which allows you to shoot RAW HD, RAW HD+JPEG, and you can shoot in 24 fps to create a cinematic look.  On my laptop, I edit with Adobe Pro.  I assumed (okay, we know already why I messed up) that Adobe could handle the HD.  It can.  But, what Canon informed me (after hours of me trying to solve the problems I was having) I needed at least 2.6 GHz to handle the HD editing.  Ugh.  How did I miss that in my initial research?  So, now I have two Toshiba's--both purchased over a year and a half ago--looking at me wondering why I am asking them to do "big boy" stuff.  Damn HD!  It's a love hate relationship.

So, yup, I have been shopping for a new computer and I think I have found it.  (Now before you get any further, if you are not a techie--skip this paragraph!)  It is an all-American made computer.  Does America make anything anymore?  I read all 58 reviews on the product.  Yes I did!  I will give you the specifics and you tell me what you think? Well, I think I am going to buy it, but tell me if I am really nuts. For $800.00 for the CPU only I get: 2nd generation Intel Core i7-2600 (3.40 GHz) processor, Intel H67 Chipset, 16GB DDR3 Memory (4 slots, 32gb max).  The Drives: 2tb SATA II hard drive, 12xBlu-ray Rewritable Drive: Read and Write CDs/DVDS/Blue-ray Discs, Front Panel 19 in 1 multimedia card reader.  GRAPHICS: Integrated Intel HD Graphics (dual monitor capable).  COMMUNICATIONS: 10/100/1000 mb/s gigabit lan.  AUDIO: Flexible 8-Channel audio with jack sensing.  EXPANDABILITY: tons!  PORTS: DVI, HDMI, 2xUSB 3.0 (rear), 6xUSB 2.0 (2 front, 4 rear).  OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit.  Whew!  that's a lot of technical mombojumbo.

I am thinking WOW, that's a darn good deal.  Reviews for the most part are extremely positive.  I sent a link to my son, who is a techie demigod, to check out the specs.  Unfortunately, I have to order and wait a few days for it.  Which means, getting to my very original point five paragraphs ago, I can't finish my editing until I get my new toy.  Don't go yet, one more thing I found to be very interesting and I know you want to, and need to know. 

For some reason Windows Live Movie Maker was able to handle and edit the HD from the Canon 550D.  This past week I cut both the Christie Andresen and Bryan Randa pieces--30 minutes each.  They are very professional and have all the titling etc.  But, unfortunately the program has limited capabilities.  It only has one timeline.  You can't manipulate the audio.  You can't lay down an audio track on top of an image separately.   I could launch both videos now and be happy.  Or I can wait and really show you the beauty of the work both artist create. 

You have been so patient.  You deserve a treat.  I am placing a couple pictures below to prime your appetite.

So, lets review.  I don't want any of you potential Canon buyers to make my mistake.  You need a big boy processor to deal with this HD stuff with a editing program that gives you max flexibility.  BUT, if you want basic movies the Windows Live Movie Maker kicks fanny.  I actually liked it--except it has no flexibility.  But that's why you have to spend the big bucks....come on all you potential sponsors hit me up!!!

Smile, enjoy the pictures below.

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