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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ice and Elevate: Regeneration and Transformation for Dreamers

Ever find yourself around your home, catching your toe against the same darn piece of furniture?  Here you are in a space you maneuver daily on automatic pilot, to then suddenly catch your toe--again-- on the same edge of a leg suspiciously waiting for you to pass barefoot?  Is it our attention waning or our feet wandering just a degree off center setting us adrift toward disaster? Is the room tilted?  Is the GPS updated?  You adjust the chair, the path you trod and the GPS download is installed--maybe throw out the damn piece of furniture...hmmmm?  Yet, once again the meeting of your toe and its arch nemesis is certain. 

Lets try a different scenario...same animal different fur sort of thing.

How is it that we can walk around our life, in our world we maneuver daily, knowing where all the "Indiana Jones" pit falls linger--to find one's self  looking down from a branch 20' in the air with a bamboo rope around your toe displaying you like a Christmas ornament.   The mind altering altercation is alarming.  Did I just step in that trap?  The one I stepped in before?  The one I knew was right there to the right of the road of life near where the embankment is steep and the sign in yellow reads CAUTION?

When you stub your toe, a doctor might tell you to ice and elevate.  What would a doctor tell you as you hang by that same toe? More important, what will you tell yourself as you swing, blood rushing to your head and your toe looking suspiciously red, black and blue?  Would you give up?  Grotesquely moan lamenting your continual perpetual missteps?  Wait for your captor to come and devour its exposed prey? Or would you cut off your toe to escape from your own folly?  Writhe in perfect torture as you chew your toe off (this is another reason for all of us to maintain regular pedicures and sit ups). 

There are times in life when you just want to hang there and let the creature(s) come eat you up and expel you in their next gastric cycle.  You swing, maybe even hoping it will come quick.  There at that very moment where nihilism engulfs us, that tsunami of doubt, hopelessness and fear converge; there at that moment were you are ready to succumb--think of the other nine toes.  Though the one you hang from seems to be the most important thing occurring in your life at that very moment, the other nine have something to say about the situation too.  They want to walk again.  Even if the big guy doesn't.  So, listen to the other toes.  They are there for a reason.  God knew what he was doing when he created the foot.  Knowing the "Big Toe" was going to take a beating, and gave the foot a web of support.  How much more would it then be set for us?

Ice and Elevate.  Good advice indeed. 

Please visit and look for Dr. Robin Scott Peters Ebooks now available.

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